Friday, August 2, 2013

The DodgeBall Game

They. . . are Everywhere!!
They. . .  are coming after you!!
Someday you will face them.
And then history will repeat itself.
At times, you will be able to shoo them away.
But when not, you will face their sham! 
Who are they? 

They . . . are the ‘pseudo-advisers’.
In life, we have often taken advices from people who rarely have the slightest clue about our aspirations! But surprisingly, they seem to know exactly what we can shape them into and vice-versa! A common advice we engineers normally fall prey to is, 
“You are an E-N-G-I-N-E-E-R. Why are you opting for M-B-A degree? 
You must opt for a Master's degree instead! Or you will regret wasting an engineering seat.”

Or something like, "You are good at accounting, then why study Law?"
 And, then a poor engineer and an elite accountant whines with an epic thought:  
"Dude, I should have taken up Arts...This life sucks!!" Our generations have long argued on the fact, that education should be the way to liberate our inhibitions! But, is that really happening? 
It is time to think over the fact, whether our education system and so-called-degrees conferred to us, in the form of plum Qualifications, are crippling our views to opt for a career of our choice...

 Oxford Dictionary defines the word CAREER as, 
"An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life, with opportunities for progress."
It is your true worth to fulfil your life's ambitions by choosing a career of your choice and to be kind to yourself for not choosing an occupation that does not lead to fulfilment. Fulfilment can mean monetary gains to some or it can mean living their dreams to others. Like Love, one cannot define the endless aspirations a soul beholds.

So, this is to the pseudo-advisers:
A qualifying factor to progress is our WILL and not a printed Degree.
The time has come for you to modify your dogmas.
And WE are ready to rout the world with our whims and choices!
A Degree will definitely help us to choose a profession, but our ambitions will always guide us to espouse a career of our choice! 
It's time we B-R-E-A-K Free!
First, of our own inhibitions, and then of the world's!
My best wishes are with you, as always :)