Monday, April 27, 2015

~ incognizant ~

" Dated: 27th April, year unknown

Dear Someone,

This one I had to write. Because I will never be able to say this in person. Not with the (beautiful) past that we share and definitely not with the present that we are growing with. Remember when I told you that everybody witnesses different versions of you. This makes people believe that you can never be true to them. Call me nuts, but I always believed that you were true to me, if not by the word but by emotion. Our relationship is so difficult for us to comprehend, let alone others. Beautiful yet unspoken, unclaimed and oblivious. It overwhelms me sometimes, it still does.

So, today shoving away all my apprehensions all I want you to know is that I am in love with you. Relentlessly, truly, devastatingly! But I guess staying away from an older relationship does not make way for a new one. Or does it? Only time will tell. Now that we are away, I keep hoping for time brings us together and when not, a warm hug from you changes all tear to smiles. I wish I could tell you how much you mean to me. If not today, then may be someday I will. With this I stop, but my prayers never will.

Regards "

Exactly dated today, marked a few years back, I found this written on a piece of paper folded carefully between the pages of my diary. Reading this today gave me a reason to write again.
I am not sure how I had felt reading this piece then, but today I am content.
With Facebook encouraging sharing of back dated posts, couldn't find a better way of sharing an unforgotten memory. So whats your unclaimed memory?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

To Love, With Love

It ran back to the corner of the dark room and held its legs close to its chest, as it heard the door crack open. In the dark silence of the room, it could hear the footsteps close slowly towards it. It shivered in fear and shrank into its sleeve. Just when the footsteps stopped marching, it slowly lifted its head only to notice a hand stretched out to it. It looked up, first at the hand and then at the smile on the person's face. Oh that smile! It was a reassuring one. A smile that it longed to see. A smile that assured freedom from the dark room of gloom. It stretched it's hand in weak response, only to be lifted up again. It was then, that it could escape the shambles of dark and touch upon the light, again.  This blog is not about a thing, person or place. This is not about an episode which will relive through words. This blog is about a Heart, lost and found!

Heart, was like anybody else.
It used to wander, never staying at a place, calculated when it ought to believe and trusted when it should have given a thought. Such was the idiotic heart, like a person who knew too less about himself. It discovered itself through others. It behaved the way others wanted him to behave, some liked him naughty, some wanted him to be well-mannered, a few others liked the hippie him, while some preferred to stay mum! Such is the story of a heart. It was happier at one moment, the next it was in despair; it felt proud of itself at once and hated itself notoriously the next; it felt the pain when someone was hurt, but smiled not knowing how to react. It hated itself most of the times, for all decisions, good or bad.  It was also confused most of the times, even when it was damn sure. It said sorry for almost thousand times a day, sometimes even when it was not its mistake. It was at times happily unaware that even brain plays its games and changes the rules of the game. While there were some who battered him to death, it still stood tall through all the shit and more. It had proved to be like anybody else, yet something about him meant something more.

When it escaped thru the doors of gloom, and let the first rays touch its cheek, a dew rolled down its eyes,  in response to the lovely retreat. The helpful hand was no more, it was only the heart's fancy. For no hand could rescue it from those dark shadows, except himself since that was its wish.
The heart now smiled  as it lay on the green pastures in peace. It now realized that Love comes, in many forms. And the best form of Love is the one that resides, within!

P.S - Here, role of the heart is played by Manali Deodhar - A good friend with a great heart. This is her story. This is the story of her lovely heart!