"I am writing this letter to you knowing that we
will meet soon.
Before we meet there are a few things you must know about
I love you more now, after you managed to attend that
slumber party with my friends.
They must have told that I have recently dealt with my inner demons and with all my might, have turned them around (on my side). You'll know that I am a lot more crazier than I sound; if you're still around, I'll know our love is true and I'll thank you for that.
They must have told that I have recently dealt with my inner demons and with all my might, have turned them around (on my side). You'll know that I am a lot more crazier than I sound; if you're still around, I'll know our love is true and I'll thank you for that.
Then you will meet my parents. They will make you believe that, you are definitely not the right choice for me (and vice-versa). They love their daughter way too much to let her go. If you're still around for me until they are ready, I'll know our love is true and I'll thank you for that.
When we will be together, we will face our choices, they need not match you know.
I love chocolate, and you love mint. That's al right. You have your way and I'll have my own.
We will fight, we will cry, share our worries and
party all our joys.
When in all this, if you hold my hand, I'll know our love is true and I'll thank you for that.
But for now, I am in love with some one else. I have now learnt to have my own ways.
I can now enjoy my company and solace all over again. I have stopped fighting now and learnt to accept that some things cannot change. It is now that I can stand tall and face new challenges. Because now I am in love with myself.
If you're still around and want to enter my life now, I'll ask you to wait.
Meet me later and I'll thank you for that."
When in all this, if you hold my hand, I'll know our love is true and I'll thank you for that.
But for now, I am in love with some one else. I have now learnt to have my own ways.
I can now enjoy my company and solace all over again. I have stopped fighting now and learnt to accept that some things cannot change. It is now that I can stand tall and face new challenges. Because now I am in love with myself.
If you're still around and want to enter my life now, I'll ask you to wait.
Meet me later and I'll thank you for that."

What is LOVE?
Whether it is falling in love or falling out of it,
love has eternally confused us.
Does he love me? Or does he talk to everyone in the same way?
He liked all my Facebook pictures, follows me on Instagram and thinks that I'm way too funny for Twitter. That sure means something RIGHT!?!
What does true love mean? Loving someone means always being available to them.
Loving someone means saying "you're not alone
dear" with flowers or with a poetry, only to see that tear turn into a
Have you loved someone long enough that you could predict their reactions to almost everything? Is this what they call True Love?
More than loving the right person, what matters most is to love someone in the right way.But, what if you're not able to do all of this? Does that mean you're incapable of love?
NO! The best ways to love someone are unique and best known to you.
This Valentine's day let us try to re-define LOVE.
This Valentine's day, let us fall in love with ourselves.
<3 Happy
Valentine's Day <3