Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Explore Joy!

She stood by the window smiling, almost amazed as she looked at the hot orange sphere of light rising midst the clouds. It was growing bigger and glowed even better thereby spreading its shimmer all over her face. She joined her palms, closed her eyes and offered her morning prayers, to one of the 32 crore God’s,
the Sun.  I see my mom follow this ritual almost every day. Her smile always makes me marvel at the simplicity of things that can bring immense joy to our hurried lives.

On that note, let’s take a second to answer a question, when was the last time you smiled?

smile (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Life tricks us to believe that many of the best and exclusive life luxuries can be purchased. Higher the expenditure, higher are the laurels we receive in return. But what we fail to reckon here is that, some of the most beautiful life luxuries are available to us, for free. of cost provided, we recognize them.

"Nature is just enough, but men and women must comprehend her suggestions."

Checkout the following list of to-do's that can help you realize the different ways to explore joy :-
  • Taking frequent breaks from your work station, only to notice the beautiful weather outside.
  • Taking a walk bare-footed on the morning grass, feeling the tickles.
  • A thoughtful glance at the sunrise or the sunset(by the sea shore even better).
  • Feel the breeze softly touch your face and blow your hair, just right.
  • Feel the raindrops hanging from the tiny branches of trees, on your fingertips.
  • Pay a surprise visit to your best friend instead of writing an email, which lies incomplete in your drafts folder. 
  • Learning the apt etiquette of receiving and returning hugs and handshakes.
  • Enjoying Laughter.
  • Making some one smile by random acts of kindness even if it requires you to share that last piece of chocolate bar kept aside for self. Sharing is caring, remember!
  • Visit your grandparents. 
  • Assuring your broken self time and again that, yes it might be flawed, but is still fabulous in its every broken way.
These were some of tried and tested ways of exploring simple, but highly addictive joys. Please take some time-out today and loose yourself to explore your bundles of joy.
They lie somewhere in your life, where you fail to have a look.
Happy Exploring! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Statutory Warning!

We are not new to the feeling of “Oh Crap… this is gonna be hard! I’m not even sure I can do this...!" or "Was I ever meant to be here in the first place..?"
These 'Oh Crap!' moments mostly dawn on us, when we have to make a significant decision or take a stand for someone or for ourselves. What these moments really do is they reveal ourselves to us. These moments strikingly tell us the difference between what we could have been and what we have become. We meet ourselves time and again, in a thousand disguises on the path of life but how many times do we knowingly accept our realities? 

The minute you're satisfied with where you are, you aren't there anymore. 
- Tony Gwyn

What are the reasons that entice us to enter in this zone of indecisiveness?
Too many options, too little time, unpleasing options or irrelevance to the whole view point.
Worse still may be fear of loss or *[fill in your options]. Fear of losing someone to something. Sounds touché, doesn't it? Whatever be the reasons, none seem to find apparent explanations, whatsoever at that particular point. 

Irrelevance thy name is Fear, and Fear thy name is anger.

Life can be a brawl which only sometimes is playful. It is in this constant angst that we must tend to the voice that leads us in the right way. That's the only choice we ought to make. That squeaky yet relevant voice is called intuition. If your intuition tells you to take some time and weigh the “pros” and “cons” of your decision, just do it. Take that one blind moment to trust yourself first. Your intuition can act as a “warning bell” for your major decisions. So take that time to assure yourself, that things CAN go bad.  Not all the decisions can be full-proof. A good way to start can be, by not making excuses. That is a good way to feel responsible for something and then in time for someone. Once we deal with our misplaced anxieties, it becomes a lot easier to follow new choices without the worry of whether the step is worth taking. 
Think about it...